Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Latest Salesforce Interview Questions

1) what are the components not supported by chage sets?
2) Territories?
3) diff b/w role and profiles
4) isNew()?
5) what is OWD?
6) Displaying huge number of fields on vf page (field sets)?
7) what is heap size?
8) diff b/w permission set and sharing rule
9) what is dataloader CLI?
10) what is external ID. Use of it in Dataloader?
11) types of reports?
12) types of trigger?
13) what is the limit of max number of record types?
14) Limitations of formula fields?
15) How many external ids we can have on a object?
16) types of controllers?
17) diff b/w summury and matrix reports?
18) what id mapping file?
19) can a formula field reference parent fields?
20) aggregation functions in soql?
21) triiger.new?
22) what types of reports can we use as dashboard components?
23) write a ex to call apex from java script?
24) rendered, rerender, renderedas?
25) diff b/w public and global?
26) considerations of @future?
27) can we have vf on pagelayout?
28) what happens if we delete a junction object?
29) write a trigger to set account type as hot when respective opportunity stage is set to                              proposal/review?

30) write a vf page to display a account details and all its associated contacts and opportunities?

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